Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Is Adi Sankara a Vaishnavite?

I recently listened to a Upanyaasa, in which it was told that Adi Sankara was a Vaishnavaite. I was surprised as it contradicted my assumptions that I had framed in my mind. All pictures of Adi Sankara that I had seen, portrayed him as Shaivaite with 'Vibuthi' or the Sacred ash on his forehead. I started searching to find whether Adi Sankara was really a Vaishnavite? Most of the searches ended with an unconvincing answer, except a few, which I like to collate and share with others who are in similar search,

Before the period of Adi Sankara, there was only the Sanathana Dharma or the Vedic religion and 72 non vedic outfits like Buddhism according to "Sankara Vijayam". Followers of Vedic religion were generally called as 'Smarthas' or those following 'Smrithis' or the scriptures (Shasthras). Adi Sankara was also a Smartha. He propagated the tradition of Shanmata - Worship of six major deities. They are Saivism (Shiva), Vaishnavam (Vishnu), Saktam (Shakti), Kaumaram (Shanmuga), Ganapatyam (Ganesha) and Sauram (Surya). This is based on the belief in the essential sameness of all deities, the unity of Godhead, and their conceptualization of the myriad deities of India as various manifestations of the one divine power, Brahman. The choice of the nature of God is up to the individual worshiper since different manifestations of God are held to be equivalent. Smartas believe that the worshiper is free to choose a particular aspect of God to worship. By contrast, a Vaishnavite considers Vishnu or Krishna to be the true God who is worthy of worship and other forms as his subordinates. Accordingly, Vaishnavites, for example, believe that only Vishnu or Krishna can grant the ultimate salvation for mankind, moksha. Similarly, many Shaivites also hold similar beliefs about Shiva.

Adi Sankara spoke pure Vedic theory of the Advaita and did not favor Shiva or Vishnu. People mistake him as Vaishnavite because he wrote bhasyams or commentaries on Baghavad Gita, Vishnu Sahasranama, Brahma Sutra and 10 upanishads. Similarly, he is mistaken as Shaivaite because he applied Vibuthi. He applied Vibuthi and worshiped Shiva because, it was the practice of the Vedic or Smartha to apply only the Yagna Basma in earlier days. The practice of Vaishnavite Oordva pundram or Madhvite Gopi chandan etc came much later. But the traditional followers of Vedic tradition or Smarthas continued with the Basma application.

But his basic premise was the ONE in the forms and roles of MANY.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You would be interested in the following blog page regarding this matter: